大切な 動詞 (Kanji)
食べます | to eat |
飲みます | to drink |
買います | to buy |
見ます | to watch, look, see |
見せます | to show |
書きます | to write, draw, paint |
送ります | to send |
作ります | to make, produce, cook |
使います | to use |
会います/合います | to meet / to match, fit |
行きます | to go |
来ます | to come |
帰ります | to return |
あります | to have, be at, exist (inanimate) |
います | to have, be at, exist (animate) |
話します | to talk, speak |
訳します | to translate |
寝ます | to lie down, go to bed |
起きます | to get up, wake up, happen, occur |
壊れます | to be broken |
直します | to repair, fix |
あげます | to give, present / to raise, lift up |
もらいます | to receive, be given |
借ります | to borrow, rent |
上がります | to go up, rise |
下がります | to go down, drop |
増えます | to increase |
減ります | to decrease |
習います | to learn |
覚えます | to memorize, learn, master |
教えます | to teach, inform, notice |
調べます | to check, investigate |
忘れます | to forget |
始まります | to begin, start, open |
終わります | to finish, end |
開けます | to open |
閉めます | to close |
勝ちます | to win |
負けます | to lose (a game) |
曲がります | to turn, curve |
止まります/泊まります | to stop / to stay (the night) |
乗ります | to get on, ride |
降ります | to get off |
座ります | to sit, have a seat |
洗います | to wash |
焼きます | to grill, bake, roast, toast |
切ります | to cut |
着ます | to wear, put on (clothes) |
脱ぎます | to take off (shoes, clothes) |
取ります/撮ります | to take, get / to take a picture |
します | to do, play (something) |
たいせつな どうし (kana)
たべます | to eat |
のみます | to drink |
かいます | to buy |
みます | to watch, look, see |
みせます | to show |
かきます | to write, draw, paint |
おくります | to send |
つくります | to make, produce, cook |
つかいます | to use |
あいます | to meet / to match, fit |
いきます | to go |
きます | to come |
かえります | to return |
あります | to have, be at, exist (inanimate object) |
います | to have, be at, exist (animate object) |
はなします | to talk, speak |
やくします | to translate |
ねます | to lie down, go to bed |
おきます | to get up, wake up, happen, occur |
こわれます | to be broken |
なおします | to repair, fix |
あげます | to give, present / to raise, lift up |
もらいます | to receive, be given |
かります | to borrow, rent |
あがります | to go up, rise |
さがります | to go down, drop |
ふえます | to increase |
へります | to decrease |
ならいます | to learn |
おぼえます | to memorize, learn, master |
おしえます | to teach, inform, notice, let somebody know |
しらべます | to check, investigate |
わすれます | to forget |
はじまります | to begin, start, open |
おわります | to finish, end |
あけます | to open |
しめます | to close |
かちます | to win |
まけます | to lose (a game) |
まがります | to turn, curve |
とまります | to stop / to stay (the night), lodge |
のります | to get on, ride |
おります | to get off |
すわります | to sit, have a seat |
あらいます | to wash |
やきます | to grill, bake, roast, toast |
きります | to cut |
きます | to wear, put on (clothes) |
ぬぎます | to take off (shoes, clothes) |
とります | to take, get / to take a picture |
します | to do, play (something) |
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